Budget Promises : Beyond Parliament is a dashboard under the public finance platform that tracks the government’s performance in delivering on its budget promises. The platform tracked 31 expenditure proposals obtaining am allocation exceeding LKR 1,000 million in the 2021 budget speech
Vist https://dashboards.publicfinance.lk/budget-promises/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Budget-Promises-2021-Mid-Year-English_F.pdf for a detailed analysis and methodology of the 2021 mid-year assessment.
The key findings from the 2021 mid-year assessments are depicted in the following infographics.
Progress Tracker tracks if the government is doing what it is saying. The 2021 mid- year assessments categorized 61% of the proposals as undisclosed. The allocation for such proposals amounts to LKR 117,500 million indicating that there no information provided or available in the public domain to track progress of such funds.
In comparison to previous mid-year assessments , 2021 has the highest number of undisclosed proposals.
The openness tracker tracks if the government is saying what it is doing. The 2021 mid-year assessment categorized 13% of the proposals as open – indicating the limited public visibility on budget promises.
The increased confusion within agencies over the ownership of proposals is an issue that has repeatedly been noticed in the budget promises assessments. This has severely impeded the information collection process.
The 2021 assessments also notice this issue , with the National Budget Department being unable to correctly identify 58% of the government agencies for respective budget proposals is a testament to this confusion, which depicted in the following infographic. As per the Functions and Responsibilities of the National Budget Department , the NBD is responsible for the allocation of financial resources required for new programs, proposed by the Minister of Finance under budget proposals. Therefor inability to identify the government agencies correctly raises issues on how funds are being dispersed.
For more information on proposals : Home - Public Finance Sri Lanka Dashboards | Budget Promises