ගවේෂණය කරන්න
Is Sri Lanka Addicted to Missing Revenue Targets?
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive academic, policy and private sector experience. He taught and researched economics at Oxford and Harvard universities. He also served as the Executive Director at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies and the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. He currently sits on multiple private sector boards and consults regularly as a strategist for some of the region’s largest firms.
Is Sri Lanka Addicted to Missing Revenue Targets?
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive academic, policy and private sector experience. He taught and researched economics at Oxford and Harvard universities. He also served as the Executive Director at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies and the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. He currently sits on multiple private sector boards and consults regularly as a strategist for some of the region’s largest firms.
Is Sri Lanka Addicted to Missing Revenue Targets?
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive academic, policy and private sector experience. He taught and researched economics at Oxford and Harvard universities. He also served as the Executive Director at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies and the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. He currently sits on multiple private sector boards and consults regularly as a strategist for some of the region’s largest firms.
Is Sri Lanka Addicted to Missing Revenue Targets?
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive academic, policy and private sector experience. He taught and researched economics at Oxford and Harvard universities. He also served as the Executive Director at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies and the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. He currently sits on multiple private sector boards and consults regularly as a strategist for some of the region’s largest firms.
පනත් සහ ගැසට් පත්ර
Annual Budget Dashboard
අයවැය පොරොන්දු
Fiscal Indicators
ඉන්ධන මිල නිරීක්ෂණ ට්රැකරය
IMF මීටරය
යටිතල පහසුකම් විපරම
PF වයර්
අපි ගැන
Thank You
රාජ්ය මූල්ය දත්ත හා විශ්ලේෂණයන් සඳහා
නිදහස් හා විවෘත ප්රවේශය
සෞඛ්ය අංශයේ වියදම (2010 – 2019)
සෞඛ්ය අංශයේ වියදම (2010 – 2019)
මෙය බෙදා ගන්න
ඔබේ අදහස් දක්වන්න
අදහස ඇතුළත් කරන්න
සබැඳි මාතෘකා
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