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WHT and PAYE had the largest growth in Q3 2023
The Fiscal Management Report 2024, recently released by the Ministry of Finance, offers a comprehensive analysis of the government's revenue streams. A notable highlight from the report is the remarkable growth in revenue from two key components: Withholding Tax (WHT) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). The first nine months of 2023 saw these segments register an increase of 498% and 673% respectively, compared to the same period in the previous year. This substantial growth can be attributed to the reinstatement of WHT (set at a rate of 5% for interest income) and PAYE in 2023. Both taxes were previously discontinued in 2019 but reintroduced as part of a broader fiscal strategy.
Featured Insight
WHT and PAYE had the largest growth in Q3 2023
The Fiscal Management Report 2024, recently released by the Ministry of Finance, offers a comprehensive analysis of the government's revenue streams. A notable highlight from the report is the remarkable growth in revenue from two key components: Withholding Tax (WHT) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). The first nine months of 2023 saw these segments register an increase of 498% and 673% respectively, compared to the same period in the previous year. This substantial growth can be attributed to the reinstatement of WHT (set at a rate of 5% for interest income) and PAYE in 2023. Both taxes were previously discontinued in 2019 but reintroduced as part of a broader fiscal strategy.
Featured Insight
WHT and PAYE had the largest growth in Q3 2023
The Fiscal Management Report 2024, recently released by the Ministry of Finance, offers a comprehensive analysis of the government's revenue streams. A notable highlight from the report is the remarkable growth in revenue from two key components: Withholding Tax (WHT) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). The first nine months of 2023 saw these segments register an increase of 498% and 673% respectively, compared to the same period in the previous year. This substantial growth can be attributed to the reinstatement of WHT (set at a rate of 5% for interest income) and PAYE in 2023. Both taxes were previously discontinued in 2019 but reintroduced as part of a broader fiscal strategy.
Featured Insight
WHT and PAYE had the largest growth in Q3 2023
The Fiscal Management Report 2024, recently released by the Ministry of Finance, offers a comprehensive analysis of the government's revenue streams. A notable highlight from the report is the remarkable growth in revenue from two key components: Withholding Tax (WHT) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). The first nine months of 2023 saw these segments register an increase of 498% and 673% respectively, compared to the same period in the previous year. This substantial growth can be attributed to the reinstatement of WHT (set at a rate of 5% for interest income) and PAYE in 2023. Both taxes were previously discontinued in 2019 but reintroduced as part of a broader fiscal strategy.
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