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Prioritise building inclusive social protection system: ADB tells Sri Lanka

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) underscores the immediate need for Sri Lanka to establish institutional frameworks for an inclusive social protection system, vital for economic recovery. Fragmented past programs have resulted in low coverage, targeting inefficiencies, and inadequate payments. In response, the government introduced the Aswesuma program in 2023 to consolidate numerous cash-transfer initiatives. To enhance its effectiveness, the ADB recommends bolstering individual support, improving planning, and implementing a graduation mechanism with technical and life skill training. Additionally, the ADB stresses the importance of a comprehensive long-term strategy for poverty eradication, advocating for regular social dialogue to monitor progress and ensure stakeholder participation.

Furthermore, the ADB advises the government to address inequalities by improving access to public services and integrating social protection programs with education and healthcare. Recent reforms in education policies and universal healthcare coverage represent positive steps. Efforts to train and retain healthcare professionals are essential, given significant outmigration. The ADB suggests increasing private sector involvement in essential services to overcome fiscal constraints. Infrastructure investments in water supply, road connectivity, and energy are crucial to tackle income and opportunity disparities and improve resource access. According to the ADB's Asian Development Outlook, Sri Lanka's economy is forecasted to grow moderately by 1.9 percent in 2024 and 2.5 percent in 2025, following two years of contraction.

Prioritise building inclusive social protection system: ADB tells Sri Lanka | Daily Mirror


Daily Mirror