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Ownership of Outstanding Foreign Debt
Owner 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (b ) (c )
0 1. Multilateral 250096 289686 341326 405156 477079 459837 534356 580719 618181 665040 674936 721916 844292 903540 887960 994430 1076549 1198243 1451443 1469867 1601482 1. Multilateral 1469867 1601482 1895340 3611552 3816950
1 ADB 115353 136064 164017 195895 235741 230510 269211 292151 317763 344661 358872 383461 448421 478796 471762 533806 569686 632237 785509 802047 865457 ADB 802047 865457 1052418 2049154 2018389
2 EIB - - - 599 3545 4838 9345 15326 18010 20463 18792 18054 23438 23248 21133 29728 27518 29193 31255 27509 26810 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 127 1659 6346 24535 29718
3 IBRD 89 521 379 204 221 220 228 231 240 322 4530 6987 10382 27760 28462 37008 45769 56757 EIB 27509 26810 23913 37055 30176
4 IDA 129403 146853 169336 199782 226926 213916 242940 258748 267475 284074 281217 302244 349997 373085 363052 391149 417636 467832 548283 541074 593238 IBRD 45769 56757 104444 317507 322032
5 IFAD 4678 5532 6381 7116 7886 7109 7997 8719 9052 10309 11032 13007 16013 17419 17098 18631 21520 24405 28251 29417 32153 IDA 541074 593238 645476 1076448 1096485
6 OPEC 91 136 464 538 1329 1582 2098 2357 2355 2173 1913 2052 2699 2998 4783 7547 9309 12743 17398 20443 21686 IFAD 29417 32153 34186 58254 53812
7 Nordic Development Fund 482 580 749 1023 1431 1662 2537 3188 3285 3360 3110 3099 3403 3464 3145 3187 3119 3370 3741 3480 3722 Nordic Development Fund 3480 3722 3472 5566 4830
8 2. Bilateral 277317 305511 349007 398925 465513 433382 486530 564500 666533 684750 739213 842804 1035907 823180 793196 888971 945754 992157 1163265 1131911 1162973 OPEC Fund for International Development 20443 21686 25085 43035 40731
9 Canada 6219 6582 6626 7746 8521 8635 8753 9852 7718 8488 8134 7701 8269 7409 6339 5373 5275 5254 5230 4854 4502 IMF EFF - - - - 220776
10 France 5907 6439 7596 8735 10177 8726 9714 10255 12424 15021 18427 19503 24273 26861 24698 25406 24448 27977 32264 34202 38584 2. Bilateral & Financial Markets (d) 4731416 4450698 4621618 8846603 7827145
11 Germany 28338 32953 39545 46657 56301 49374 61644 65977 61528 58279 50263 47547 51164 52112 43342 40726 39145 43506 46937 43113 45091 Canada 4854 4502 4212 6634 6026
12 India 1146 1855 2786 6702 10311 10118 12382 14843 15294 17902 17292 41927 78322 102843 119982 137413 142277 145071 166915 153075 146530 China 796919 932681 1139972 2506020 2227347
13 Japan 172932 185081 217151 255277 301434 277882 305897 327711 426936 426767 478931 529013 547515 468366 416408 457483 486199 506829 613656 617973 659260 Export-Import Bank of China (e) 476565 528403 549807 1464185 1299808
14 Kuwait 2180 2497 2884 2939 3388 3573 3794 3855 4649 5103 5237 5799 6194 5749 5357 6765 7774 8768 12124 13146 14866 People's Republic of China 2601 2859 3144 5219 4567
15 Netherlands 2505 2453 2610 2645 2574 2196 2080 1455 751 291 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - China Development Bank Corporation 136118 121806 116211 194325 173353
16 People's Republic of China 2088 3219 3373 3115 3342 3604 5121 22668 29688 46641 56459 59497 67434 67154 87743 117284 131604 135728 150939 138720 124665 HSBC Limited (Hongkong)-China - - 25290 44702 39878
17 Saudi Arabian Fund 38 63 - - - 43 327 749 1217 2328 2338 2544 2648 3868 4982 10724 13255 16722 21752 23725 24085 TLF China Development Bank 181634 279612 445521 797589 709741
18 USA 51053 58064 57937 55229 57078 55341 57310 52797 50708 46952 42414 40318 41386 38854 35246 34594 31798 28295 28910 24381 20632 France (f) (g) 34202 38584 43178 79751 76172
19 Other 4911 6305 8499 9881 12387 13892 19508 54339 55619 56978 59633 88957 208702 49963 49100 53205 63978 74007 84537 78724 84758 Germany 43113 45091 41878 71427 66224
20 3. Financial Markets 14627 41544 31624 39801 53547 63401 82533 181268 164020 410676 610433 764560 887100 1233704 1431959 1660630 2023493 2528218 3344839 3800660 3287725 India 156077 154512 166031 625004 442613
21 Riggs National Bank 965 3754 3831 3746 3980 3769 3843 3746 3674 3476 3140 2984 3064 2922 2651 2607 2336 2110 2262 1986 1767 Export Import Bank of India 3002 7983 162753 492689 282143
22 Indosuez Bank (France and Stockholm) 178 179 144 129 108 82 48 16 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Government of India 153075 146530 3277 5227 4663
23 Bankers'Trust Co. 896 977 948 877 876 786 754 685 634 560 466 399 356 275 184 101 0 0 0 - State Bank of India - - - 127089 155807
24 France 979 837 158 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Japan 617973 659260 621587 977336 817664
25 Solomon Bros. Inc. - New York 869 923 868 774 739 627 560 462 374 270 157 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Kuwait 13146 14866 18565 34761 30887
26 Citi Bank/NEXI 0 0 0 9635 10433 18082 27122 24637 11314 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 0 0 0 - Riggs National Bank 1986 1767 1605 2730 2435
27 Export-Import Bank of China 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146262 192889 242416 299405 392041 476565 528403 Saudi Arabian Fund 23725 24085 27426 50493 47956
28 International Soveriegn Bonds 54360 56570 114384 221906 341704 445063 457636 655243 958014 1220870 1475049 2220411 2733592 1796579 USA (g) 24381 20632 17808 30837 27509
29 Foreign Currency Term Financing Facility 104860 217054 330174 242191 279612 Other (g) (h) (i) 3015041 2554718 2539356 4461611 4082311
30 Non Resident Investment in Treasury Bills 6358 40410 57317 70123 80184 73916 55500 5045 12816 27552 11909 23727 670 o/w International Sovereign Bonds 2531493 2203279 2243049 3921587 3498371
31 Non Resident Investment in Treasury Bonds 49647 17647 145124 183538 199531 317604 403486 401710 298734 247222 295059 146914 80294 6204 Total 6201283 6052179 6516958 12458155 11644094
32 Other 10740 34874 25676 24640 37411 40055 50206 151722 148024 406370 606670 761124 883680 1230507 170410 203039 192973 211989 241128 242305 674490 Sources: Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilisation and National Policies
33 Total 542040 636741 721957 843882 996139 956620 1103419 1326487 1448734 1760466 2024582 2329280 2767299 2960424 3113115 3544031 4045796 4718618 5959547 6201283 6052179 Central Bank of Sri Lanka
34 (a) These figures may differ from those appearing in Appendix Table 16 in the printed version of the Annual Economic Review due to differences in classification.
35 SOE Foreign Debt (b) Provisional
36 (c) Based on CS-DRMS reports for end 2023 downloaded on 26.02.2024
37 LKR Million (d) The arrears interest payments as of 31.12.2022 and 31.12.2023 are not included.
38 Ownership of Outstanding Foreign Debt (e) Includes outstanding loans of projects under State Owned Business Enterprises (SOBEs) w.e.f. 31.12.2022
39 Source: Table 107, Statistical Appendix, CBSL Annual Report (f) Includes loans from financial institutions of France
40 (g) Revised
41 Note* Others exclude ISB, FCTFF, Treasury bills and Bonds. (h) Includes rupee denominated Treasury bonds and Treasury bills held by non resident investors
42 Note* This table discountinues after 2020 & CBSL introducused a new table from 2019 (i) Includes Sri Lanka Development Bonds held by non resident investors and exclude international Sovereign Bonds held by resident investors
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Provides the ownership of annual central government foreign debt decomposed into debt from multilateral, bilateral and financial markets in LKR millions. Source: Table 107, Statistical Appendix, CBSL Annual Report