Workers’ remittance, tourism muster USD 4.5 Bn by June 2024
  • Sri Lanka's foreign reserves are on the rise thanks to strong performances in both workers' remittances and tourism revenue. These positive trends are contributing to a strengthening currency and healthy foreign exchange reserves.


Sri Lanka's foreign currency reserves are getting a boost from two key sources: workers' remittances and tourism revenue. Workers' remittances surpassed $3 billion by June 2024, a significant 11.4% increase compared to the same period last year. Tourism is also on track for a record year, with revenue exceeding $1.5 billion and arrivals surpassing 1 million by June. This represents a massive 77.9% increase in revenue and a 61.7% jump in arrivals compared to 2023. These positive trends are contributing to a strengthening Sri Lankan rupee, which has appreciated by 6.6% against the US dollar so far in 2024. Additionally, the country's foreign currency reserves reached a healthy $5.6 billion by the end of June.

Workers’ remittance, tourism muster USD 4.5 Bn by June 2024 | Daily News

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