SL concludes debt restructuring agreements
  • Sri Lanka has finalized comprehensive debt restructuring agreements with key bilateral creditors, including the Official Creditor Committee and China Exim Bank, valued at USD 10 billion.


Sri Lanka has achieved a significant milestone in its economic revitalization by finalizing comprehensive debt restructuring agreements with key bilateral creditors. On June 26, 2024, the nation concluded negotiations with the Official Creditor Committee (OCC) and China Exim Bank, marking pivotal strides towards stabilizing its financial footing amid recent economic challenges. These agreements, valued at a combined USD 10 billion, encompass restructuring arrangements with major bilateral lenders under the auspices of the OCC, co-chaired by Japan, India, and France. Notable members of the committee include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Korea, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The restructuring process, guided by the IMF’s Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA), resulted in measures such as extending maturity periods, initiating capital grace periods, and significantly reducing interest rates, providing up to 92% relief on debt service payments during the IMF program.

This restructuring not only offers substantial fiscal breathing room for prioritizing public services and stimulating economic growth but also paves the way for renewed bilateral financing opportunities. These opportunities are essential for resuming critical infrastructure projects, which are anticipated to invigorate sectors like construction, bolstering job creation and economic resilience. Furthermore, the successful restructuring sets the stage for potential improvements in Sri Lanka’s credit ratings once agreements with commercial bondholders are finalized. Enhanced credit ratings are expected to reduce the cost of foreign financing and facilitate easier access to international capital markets, fostering broader economic stability and growth. Looking ahead, Sri Lanka remains committed to swiftly finalizing agreements with commercial bondholders, building on the momentum gained from these landmark restructuring deals, and positioning the nation for a sustainable and robust economic recovery.

SL concludes debt restructuring agreements | Daily News

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