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Breakdown of Government Expenditure by Category (Estimate)
Expenditure Category 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY AND OBJECT CODE - ESTIMATES
0 Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimates Estimates
1 Recurrent Expenditure 1547910 1867399.062 1947026.903 2164132 2412304.158 2806426 2694152
2 Personal Emoluments 353192.413 450790.975 457965.058 493885.09 540830.772 591573 634713
3 Salaries and Wages 160497.47 165098.225 221525.104 271363.455 301664.443 335863 362727 2023 2024
4 Overtime and Holiday Payments 13486.255 14865.235 15798.237 21955.456 31022.484 36887 39376 Estimate Estimate
5 Other Allowances 179208.688 270827.515 220641.717 200566.179 208143.845 218822 232608 4634263 5298669
6 Travelling Expenses 14448.135 13405.529 13869.985 14604.138 15005.905 15386 17567 701941 799234
7 Domestic 12260.63 12116.814 12327.924 12540.843 12812.885 14458 15923 382126 378049
8 Foreign 2187.505 1288.715 1542.061 2063.295 2193.02 927 1643 43672 47914
9 Supplies 106320.827 105397.587 98469.641 104972.956 112765.534 146471 126661 276144 373271
10 Stationery and Office Requisites 2732.38 2714.005 2655.169 2698.26 2974.886 2965 3794 24692 26566
11 Fuel 19776.92 15382.532 15495.685 16526.355 17991.399 16157 17771 23215 24115
12 Diets and Uniforms 36224.327 34235.075 27377.171 31729.21 36387.489 31244 31448 1476 2451
13 Medical Supplies 42222.5 47537.26 47572.964 47442.4 48059.49 88425 63774 244067 378219
14 Other 5364.7 5528.715 5368.652 6576.731 7352.27 7678 9873 7352 9355
15 Maintenance Expenditure 6972.171 6034.06 6230.043 6745.609 8413.64 8203 9789 44495 55728
16 Vehicles 3480.08 3096.79 3178.721 3388.86 3824.85 3657 4535 66498 118633
17 Plant and Machinery 2459.686 1947.97 2005.87 2210.629 3325.76 3200 3695 113262 183722
18 Buildings and Structures 1032.405 989.3 1045.452 1146.12 1263.03 1557 1616 12460 10781
19 Services 48288.829 184619.439 51982.634 81317.793 77912.332 63556 61874 14429 16575
20 Transport 4434.679 3886.45 4031.461 4596.24 6013.325 5859 6049 6590 7750
21 Postal and Communication 2812.93 3017.925 3184.963 4004.884 4043.26 3759 4111 5727 4446
22 Electricity & Water 13835.055 13640.25 11362.026 11074.615 11634.75 12275 13359 2112 2860
23 Rents and Local Taxes 4817.21 4964.184 6145.611 7646.518 7742.744 6680 7563 90215 99189
24 Interest Payment for Leasing Vehicles 2282.1 1821.9 1747.567 1691.598 571.773 236 158 8576 8972
25 Capital Carrying Cost of Government - Lands & Buildings 0 139230 0 0 0 5134 5467
26 Lease rental for Vehicle Procured Under Operational Leasing 0 0 426.577 3295.944 1068.43 768 799 18661 24235
27 Other 20106.855 18058.73 25084.429 49007.994 46838.05 38010 31703 9445 9502
28 Transfers 479575.295 542204.072 576480.511 631189.582 716482.288 834862 897947 151 120
29 Welfare Programmes 54476.7 102564.032 165884.13 182926.25 142915.3 185994 151416 - 653
30 Retirements Benifits 140284.565 169045.37 183069.02 199899.052 235493.725 264326 251448 492 -
31 Public Institutions 51083.585 55713.644 57262.594 64114.15 84498.25 89517 71156 47757 40615
32 Development Subsidies 36035.6 39930 900.178 1368.697 52285.53 108847 46286 1245211 1321840
33 Subscriptions and Contributions Fee 2291.59 1334.337 1453.395 1717.311 2526.58 2782 2474 311489 374887
34 Property Loan Interest to Public Servants 2480.405 3206.203 2624.028 2772.467 2868.257 2712 2992 375984 386206
35 Contribution to Provincial Councils 189667 166486.226 160604.784 174754.879 190700 263443 279000 81676 82823
36 Other 3255.85 4682.382 3636.776 5194.646 3226 3933 74213 63954
37 Contribution to Contingencies Fund 0 0 0 0 0 3410 3300
38 Interest Payments 425030 520452 680087.4 820000 900060.468 999726 977000 2708 2522
39 Domestic Debt 349030 441219 426586.1 480480.35 556758.501 591036 610807 362650 373400
40 Foreign Debt 76000 79233 123291 166696.2 220060.358 273497 249192 2964 3380
41 Discounts on Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds 0 0 130210.3 172823.45 123241.609 135193 117000 30117 31370
42 Other Recurrent Expenditure 114082.33 44495.4 61941.631 11416.832 40833.219 57042 30002 - -
43 Losses and Write off 172.33 411.6 1320.096 54.104 636.011 104 50 2189000 2650989
44 Contingency Services 113910 44083.8 60548.684 11289.375 40129.513 56895 29892 1325338 1691885
45 Implementation of the Official Languages Policy 0 0 72.851 73.353 67.695 41 58 188662 299104
46 Capital Expenditure 1017090 1182750.098 880896.333 833712.818 927695.842 923862 1095018 675000 660000
47 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Capital Assets 34814.185 29401.767 28378.355 34620.057 39692.035 23078 31356 124709 6057
48 Buildings and Structures 23095.17 18222.312 16290.925 21644.66 24508.29 11224 15323 55 77
49 Plant, Machinery and Equipment 7406.54 6871.695 7594.375 8153.04 9109.43 7319 9577 124588 5900
50 Vehicles 4312.475 4307.76 4493.055 4822.357 6074.315 4534 6454 66 80
51 Acquisition of Capital Assets 324373.55 234062.79 169328.116 153554.247 172291.441 153762 153878 1219796 1709775
52 Vehicles 960.47 1086.4 11817.249 9561.298 18937.2 24385 9497 62017 81999
53 Furniture and Office Equipment 8098.915 6386.72 12425.68 11553.154 13313.901 7860 7136 29034 42548
54 Plant, Machinery and Equipment 16855.235 12811.32 16923.395 21314.165 21490.594 11984 18202 23487 28096
55 Buildings and Structures 212314.83 149884.41 85386.764 73178.778 81853.86 73070 60360 9496 11355
56 Land and Land Improvements 82899.1 58148.94 31130.025 27393.575 28550.8 33226 55290 163174 567397
57 Software Development 0 0 6369.98 5054.3 2609.8 927 2794 20523 9642
58 Capital Payments for Leased Vehicles 3245 5745 5275.023 5498.977 5535.286 2306 596 8021 12552
59 Capital Transfers 64219.435 109764.295 103406.982 130395.835 169239.779 204323 195798 31793 41810
60 Public Institutions 39465.645 71346.095 53731.98 63939.661 82416.73 127775 116453 63335 396239
61 Development Assistance 5295.55 5225.7 31060.69 37489.144 54710.164 30566 36243 21666 99668
62 Contribution to Provincial Councils 16814.24 31025.5 16026.012 24536.08 27000 30500 40000 17209 6996
63 Transfers Abroad 2644 2167 1615 3443.2 1830 890 900 629 490
64 Capital Grants to Non-Public Institution 0 0 973.3 987.75 3282.885 6065 6242 178573 98100
65 Acquisition of Financial Assets 14876.67 10398.57 10769.875 16791.775 39245 49427 53906 123563 21748
66 Equity Contribution 0 0 250 2655.325 24600 59386 35696 32265 42130
67 On - Lending 14876.67 10398.57 10519.875 14136.45 14645 16643 13731 19900 30000
68 Capacity Building 5004.695 4370.985 5714.83 8977.59 7698.657 3562 7321 997 2755
69 Staff Training 5004.695 4870.985 5714.83 8977.59 7698.657 3,562, 7321 1849 1467
70 Other Capital Expenditure 573801.465 794251.691 563298.175 489373.314 499528.93 463105 657237 155243 572480
71 Restructuring 133.4 0.5 3988.5 1996 737.5 582 3496 82256 519107
72 Investments 219845.835 196212.495 0 0 0 8000 72987 53373
73 Contingency Services 332090 579201.78 294491.5 172351.5 39983.3 28005 19994 7168 6678
74 Contribution to Provincial Councils 21732.23 18836.916 14465.09 7566.12 10385 7339 13977 7168 6678
75 Procurement Preparedness 0 0 88.8 215.575 354.9 62 76 653621 383122
76 Infrastructure Development 0 0 208244.717 250374.919 379581.16 393806 393806 - 18
77 Research and Development 0 0 5123.295 9202.77 8322.83 6152 11475 - -
78 Other 0 0 36896.273 47666.43 60164.24 27156 133262 167461 81390
79 Total Expenditure 2565000 3050149.16 2827923.236 2997844.818 3340000 3730288 3789170 28240 17919
80 Public Debt Amortisation 840000 648350.84 800187.2 1150000 1300000 987865 1257367 47 29
81 Public Debt Repayments 840000 648350.84 800187.2 1150000 1300000 987865 1257367 395489 146891
82 Domestic 635914.9 505408.44 622227.3 879284.62 635275.235 461865 755070 15658 15544
83 Foreign 204085.1 143442.4 177959.9 270715.38 664724.765 526000 502297 46726 121332
84 Total Expenditure 3405000 3699000 3628110.436 4147844.818 4640000 4718155 5046538 5854059 7008444
85 2025440 4268395
86 LKR Million 2025440 4268395
88 Source: Approved Budget Estimates, Ministry of Finance 439970 3273745
89 Total Expenditure 3405000 3699000 3628110 4147845 4640000 4718155 5046538 5419570 7879499 11276838
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Provides the estimated annual expenditure of the government with a categorical breakdown of recurrent expenditure, capital expenditure and public debt amortization in LKR millions. Source: Approved Budget Estimates, Ministry of Finance