0 | Gazette Number | Date | Project | Company | Tax | Details of Concession |
1 | 1700/4 | April - 5-11 | Build a Luxury Hotel as a Mixed Use Complex including High Quality Residencies and a High- End Shopping Mall, in Fort Colombo 1. | Shangri- La Investments Lanka (Private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 10 year corporate income tax holiday period under the Inland Revenue Act No.10 of 2006 commencing from either the first year in which the Company makes a taxable profit or three (03) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first and subsequently a concessionary rate of 6% for 15 years. |
2 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure, technical fees to consultants and on management fees, royalty payments, and marketing fees. Provided these payments are made to one of the following subsidiaries of Shangri-La Asia Limited. * Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd. — | ||||
3 | The port and airport development levy | Exempted during the project construction period. | ||||
4 | Customs Ordinance | Importation of project-related goods and the local purchases of project-related goods and services during the project Construction period. | ||||
5 | Value Added Tax ( VAT) | Excluded for the importation of project-related goods and the local purchases of project-related goods and services during the project Construction period. | ||||
6 | 1700/5 | April - 5-11 | LuxuryHotel and Residential Units / Villas in Hambantota in the Southern Province. | Shangri- La Investments Lanka (Private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 10 year corporate income tax holiday period under the Inland Revenue Act No.10 of 2006 commencing from either the first year in which the Company makes a taxable profit or three (03) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first and subsequently a concessionary rate of 6% for 15 years. |
7 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure, technical fees to consultants and on management fees, royalty payments and marketing fees. Provided these payments are made to one of the following subsidiaries of Shangri-La Asia Limited. * Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd. | ||||
8 | The port andairport development levy | Exempted during the project construction period | ||||
9 | Custome Ordinace | Importation of project related goods and the local purchases of project related goods and services during the project Construction period. | ||||
10 | VAT | Excluded for the importation of project-related goods and the local purchases of project-related goods and services during the project Construction period. | ||||
11 | 1789/22 | Dec-15-12 | Construct and operate a 475 roomed city hotel with 90 Serviced Apartments at No. 116, Galle Road, Colombo 03 | Sinolanka Hotels and Spa (private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 10 year corporate income tax holiday period under the Inland Revenue Act No.10 of 2006 commencing from either the first year in which the Company makes a taxable profit or three (03) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first and subsequently a concessionary rate of 6% for 15 years. |
12 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure, technical fees to consultants and on management fees, royalty payments and marketing fees. Provided these payments are made to one of the following subsidiaries of Hyatt International South West Asia Ltd. Hyatt International Corporation | ||||
13 | Ports and Airport Development Levy | Exempted on all imports sourced during the project implementation period | ||||
14 | Customs Ordinance | Exempted from customs duty during the project implementation period | ||||
15 | VAT | Excluded for the importation of project related goods and the local purchases of project related goods and services during the project implementation period. | ||||
16 | 1788/03 | Oct-1-2012 | Project to set up a mixed development project, at Transworks Square land, Colombo - 01 | Krish Group of India | Corporate Income Tax | 10 Year Tax free and 15 on a concessionary rate |
17 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are expemted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
18 | Ports and Airport developemnt Levy | Exempted during project implementation period | ||||
19 | Customs Ordinance | Exempted on all imports sourced during the project implementation period | ||||
20 | VAT | Excluded for importation of project related goods and the local purchases of project related goods and services during the project implementation period. | ||||
21 | Finance Act No 5 of 2005 | Exempted from the payment of construction under the Gurantee Fund Levy | ||||
22 | 1782/28 | Oct-31-2012 | The Notification which identified the Project to construct, build and operate a Mixed Utility Complex including a luxury hotel at Fort, Colombo 01 in the Western Province, | WelcomHotels Lanka (Private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 10 year corporate income tax holiday period under the Inland Revenue Act No.10 of 2006 commencing from either the first year in which the Company makes a taxable profit or three (03) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first and subsequently a concessionary rate of 6% for 15 years. |
23 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
24 | Ports and Airport developemnt Levy | Exempted during project implementation period | ||||
25 | Customs Ordinance | Exempted on all imports sourced during the project implementation period | ||||
26 | VAT | Excluded for importation of project related goods and the local purchases of project related goods and services during the project implementation period. | ||||
27 | Finance Act No 5 of 2005 | Exempted from the payment of construction under the Gurantee Fund Levy during the project implementation period. | ||||
28 | 1796/9 | Feb-06-2013 | The project for Development, operation and management of a special zone for heavy industries inter-alia sourcing and establishing other Board of Investment of Sri Lanka approved projects at Sampor area of Trincomalee. | Sri Lanka Gateway Industries (Private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 25 year income tax-free holiday will commence from either the first year in which the Project Company makes a taxable profit or from two (02) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first. |
29 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 25 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
30 | Ports and Airport development Levy | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
31 | Customs Ordinance | All capital goods imported in the name of the project shall be exempted from the Customs Duty | ||||
32 | VAT | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
33 | NBT | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
34 | 1832/22 | Oct-17-2013 | Project to set up a refinery to import raw sugar for refining and sale in the local market and export in the Free-Port Area of the Hambantota Port in the Southern Province. The Project shall commence commercial operations within Seven (07) years from the date of the Project Agreement signed with the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka on 7th February 2013 | Lanka Sugar Refinery Company (Private) Limited | Corporate Income Tax | A 10 year income tax-free holiday will commence from either the first year in which the Project Company makes a taxable profit or from two (02) years after commencement of commercial operations, whichever falls first. |
35 | Personal Income Tax | Dividends received by shareholders are exempted for 10 years. A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years. The Company shall be exempted from the payment of Withholding Tax on interest on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
36 | Ports and Airport developemnt Levy | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
37 | Customs Ordinance | All capital goods imported in the name of the project shall be exempted from the Customs Duty | ||||
38 | VAT | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
39 | NBT | Shall not be applicable on the importation of project related capital and construction goods and the local purchases of project related capital goods during the project implementation period of 07 years. | ||||
40 | Finance Act No 12 of 2012 | The project shall be exemped from customs duty under the Imports and Exports ( Control ) Act No. 1 of 1969 and Special Commodity Levy on import of raw materials under the Special Commodity Levy Act No.48 of 2007. | ||||
41 | 2224/02 | Apr-19-2021 | “Dedicated Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Zone” ( in an area of 400 acres of land owned by the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka in Hambantota-Arabokka area in two phases | Individual enterprises identified by the BOI as falling within the purview of the Strategic Development Project identified. | Corporate Income Tax | For Income generated through exports (including deemed exports) and import substitution via sales to the local market will be exempted for a minimum of five (05) years up to a maximum of ten (10) years from the year in which the enterprise commences to make profits or any year of assessment not later than 02 years reckoned from the date on which such enterprise commences commercial operations, whichever falls first. |
42 | Personal Income Tax | A maximum of 20 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years.WHT will be exempted for payments on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
43 | Ports and Airport development Levy | All imports of construction related items, capital goods and raw materials receive exemption | ||||
44 | Custom Ordinance | All imports of construction related items, capital goods and raw materials receive exemption | ||||
45 | VAT | All imports of construction related items, capital goods and raw materials receive exemption | ||||
46 | CESS | All imports of construction related items, capital goods and raw materials receive exemption | ||||
47 | 2224/09 | Apr-20-2021 | “Dedicated Textile Manufacturing Zone” in an area of up to 400 acres of land to be owned by the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka in Eravur, Batticaloa District | Individual enterprises identified by the BOI as falling within the purview of the Strategic Development Project identified. | Corporate Income Tax for income generated through exports and imports substitution by selling in the local market. | The tax exemption period is a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years and varies depending on the number of employmees. The exemption period will commence 18 months from the date the agreement is finalised with the BOI. |
48 | Personal Income Tax | A maximum of 10 Expatriate staff members are exempted from PAYE for 5 years.WHT will be exempted for payments on foreign loans for capital expenditure and technical fees to consultants | ||||
49 | Ports and Airport developemnt Levy | All imports of construction related items, capital goods and raw materials receive exemption |