ගවේෂණය කරන්න
Tax revenue misses IMF target in 1st quarter!
According to the 2022 Annual Report from the Ministry of Finance, tax revenue for the first quarter of 2023 experienced a surge of 56%, amounting to LKR 578 billion. This was a increase from the LKR 370 billion collected during the same period in 2022. Despite this growth, the Q1 2023 tax revenue collection fell short of the target set in agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was LKR 650 billion, by 11%. Moreover, the tax-to-GDP ratio for the first quarter of 2023 was reported to be 7.9%. This is lower than the annual target of 9.7% agreed upon with the IMF, indicating a gap of 1.8 percentage points that needs to be bridged in order to meet the target agreed upon with the IMF for the year.
Tax revenue misses IMF target in 1st quarter!
According to the 2022 Annual Report from the Ministry of Finance, tax revenue for the first quarter of 2023 experienced a surge of 56%, amounting to LKR 578 billion. This was a increase from the LKR 370 billion collected during the same period in 2022. Despite this growth, the Q1 2023 tax revenue collection fell short of the target set in agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was LKR 650 billion, by 11%. Moreover, the tax-to-GDP ratio for the first quarter of 2023 was reported to be 7.9%. This is lower than the annual target of 9.7% agreed upon with the IMF, indicating a gap of 1.8 percentage points that needs to be bridged in order to meet the target agreed upon with the IMF for the year.
Tax revenue misses IMF target in 1st quarter!
According to the 2022 Annual Report from the Ministry of Finance, tax revenue for the first quarter of 2023 experienced a surge of 56%, amounting to LKR 578 billion. This was a increase from the LKR 370 billion collected during the same period in 2022. Despite this growth, the Q1 2023 tax revenue collection fell short of the target set in agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was LKR 650 billion, by 11%. Moreover, the tax-to-GDP ratio for the first quarter of 2023 was reported to be 7.9%. This is lower than the annual target of 9.7% agreed upon with the IMF, indicating a gap of 1.8 percentage points that needs to be bridged in order to meet the target agreed upon with the IMF for the year.
Tax revenue misses IMF target in 1st quarter!
According to the 2022 Annual Report from the Ministry of Finance, tax revenue for the first quarter of 2023 experienced a surge of 56%, amounting to LKR 578 billion. This was a increase from the LKR 370 billion collected during the same period in 2022. Despite this growth, the Q1 2023 tax revenue collection fell short of the target set in agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was LKR 650 billion, by 11%. Moreover, the tax-to-GDP ratio for the first quarter of 2023 was reported to be 7.9%. This is lower than the annual target of 9.7% agreed upon with the IMF, indicating a gap of 1.8 percentage points that needs to be bridged in order to meet the target agreed upon with the IMF for the year.
පනත් සහ ගැසට් පත්ර
Annual Budget Dashboard
අයවැය පොරොන්දු
Fiscal Indicators
ඉන්ධන මිල නිරීක්ෂණ ට්රැකරය
IMF මීටරය
යටිතල පහසුකම් විපරම
PF වයර්
අපි ගැන
Thank You
රාජ්ය මූල්ය දත්ත හා විශ්ලේෂණයන් සඳහා
නිදහස් හා විවෘත ප්රවේශය
පරිසරය සඳහා කරන ලද රජයේ වියදම්වල මෑත කාලීන ප්රවණතා.
පීඑෆ් වයර් පුවත්
Daily Mirror
Govt. to seek foreign funding for green bond
The government plans to initiate talks with foreign parties to obtain green bond financing facilities to fund green ongoing projects, to meet the country’s climate commitments and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Ceylon Today
Surakimu Ganga Programme: Govt sets aside Rs 200 M...
The Government has set aside Rs 200 million for the Surakimu Ganga Programme which aims to protect 103 rivers islandwide. Funding has been allocated in response to Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera’s request, and projects for...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
විදසුන් කියවන්න: පරිසරය
පරිසර අංශයට අදාළව ලබා දුන් ප්රතිපත්තිමය...
ජාතික ප්රත...
Budget 2021: Environment
The Sri Lankan Parliament meets today (7th December 2020) to debate th...
2021 මුළු වසර සඳහා වාර්තා කල පාඩුවට වඩා වැඩි පාඩුව...
2022 වසරේ පළමු මාස හතර තුළ රාජ්ය සංස්ථාවල මුළු පාඩුව රුබි 860 ක් විය. මෙම අගය 2021 වසරේ රාජ්ය සංස්ථාවල වාර්ෂික පාඩුව ඉක්මවා යයි. ඉහළම පාඩු ලැබූ ආයතන වන්නේ (1)
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
දුම්වැටිබදු ඉහළ දැමීමෙන් ඉපයීමට බලපොරොත්තුවන ඇස්තම...
2023 ජනවාරි 01 වැනි දින රජය විසින්, දුම්වැටි සඳහා වන නිෂ්පාදන බදු 20%කින් වැඩි කළේය. ප්රමාණය දුම්වැටියකට පැරණි සුරාබදු බද්ද දුම්වැටිය...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
VAT revenue collection: Maldives highest, Sri Lank...
Sri Lanka has the lowest tax revenue collected through Value Added Tax (VAT) in South Asia while Maldives with a lower tax rate collects nearly 5 times more through its Goods and Services Tax (GST).
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න