Since December 2024, the market prices of 92-octane petrol and auto diesel have remained at LKR 309 and LKR 286 per litre, respectively, despite fluctuations in formula prices between January 2025 and March 2025.
According to the Public fuel price tracker, the formula price of 92-octane petrol was LKR 298.85 in January 2025, rose to LKR 307.53 in February, and reached LKR 310.14 in March—an overall increase of LKR 11.29 per litre. As a result, where the formula price was LKR 10.15 below the market price in January, it exceeds the market price by LKR 1.14 in March. Currently, the market price falls within a 2% range of the formula price, indicating that market prices are effectively on par with the formula price (see note).
However, the market price of auto diesel, which was LKR 2.14 lower than the formula price in February, is now LKR 4.16 higher. This change is due to a reduction in the formula price from LKR 288.14 in February to LKR 281.84 in March, while the market price remained unchanged. As a result, auto diesel prices also fall within the 2% range, indicating alignment with the formula price.
Note: Some parameters on the application of the Sri Lanka’s fuel price formula were revised in January 2025. Refer Fuel Price Formula: Revised Methodology for more details.
*A 2% deviation of the market price from the formula price is still considered consistent with the formula. This margin accounts for fluctuations in the actual purchase price of each order, which result from varying supplier margins relative to the global market benchmark price.
visit the Fuel Price Tracker.
For further details, including taxes per litre and a comparison of Sri Lanka’s fuel prices with regional countries, visit the Fuel Price Tracker.