Budget Promises : Beyond Parliament is a dashboard under the public finance platform that tracks the government’s performance in delivering on its budget promises. In the absence of a budget speech in 2020, the platform tracked 26 expenditure and regulatory cabinet decisions between January – June 2020 and 8 unfulfilled proposals from the previous budget cycle.
Vist https://dashboards.publicfinance.lk/budget-promises/regulatory-tracker/?pubfromyear=2020-end-year for a detailed analysis of the 2020 assessment.
The key findings from the 2020 assessments are depicted in the following infographics.
The progress of regulatory cabinet decisions noticed an improvement from the previous cycle where the percentage of implemented regulatory proposals increased from 18% to 40% in 2020.
One of the key issues identified in 2020 cycle, was the intensification of a closed culture. The 2020 assessment identified poor visibility on the implementation of a significant proportion of cabinet decisions in the observed time period.
The budget monitoring process revealed that there is a significant breakdown of the lines of responsibility for several proposals. The increased confusion within agencies over the ownership of proposals severely impeded the information collection process and might also explain the decline in implementing expenditure proposals.
The Budget Promises initiative has made several recommendations in the past to improve the path to effective implementation of budget related proposals. The 2020 assessment revealed these recommendations continue to be relevant.
For more details on the cabinet decisions assessed in the 2020 cycle visit,