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Uva Province Budget Estimate
Provincial Disaggregation of Estimated Total Receipts
0 Item 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1 Total Revenue 836000000 1090000000 1236000000 2136000000 2489410000 2380000000 2605000000 2685000000 3440000000 4320000000
2 Taxes on Domestic Goods and Services 601000000 60675000 54163000 97071000 0
3 General Sales and Turnover Taxes 0 600000000 544575000 468992000 0
4 Taxes on Transfer of Assets and Property Stamp 0 75000000 75955000 607000000 0
5 Excise Ordinance Duty 0 0 0 0 66405000 152336000 125100000 62680000 251610000 270090000
6 Stamp Duty 0 0 0 0 2000000000 1770000000 2030000000 1890000000 2456500000 3241500000
7 Other Taxes 41450000 250000 250000 448000 0
8 License Taxes and Other 84250000 150000000 164004000 293930000 175130000 180000000 215500000 280000000 360000000 490000000
9 Other License 0 77000 367000 657000 30000 120000 0 35000 85000 60000
10 Rents 7700000 31912000 33166000 59440000 28591000 25040000 24500000 31552000 55570000 48000000
11 Interest 23000000 55226000 62346000 111737000 70933000 99400000 60614000 145890000 66975000 54020000
12 Sales and Charges 78600000 20450000 27579000 49428000 10563000 16191000 47406000 132401000 81545000 45295000
13 Fines and Forfeits 0 96387000 264960000 431821000 121581000 136913000 101880000 140642000 162715000 170935000
14 Capital Revenue 0 23000 8635000 15476000 16177000 0 0 1800000 5000000 100000
15 0
16 Total Grants 10691620000 13734758000 12366300000 13339826000 13099208000 14873000000 16336170000 20294797000 18820751000 19566798000
17 Block Grant 7906644000 9032235000 8897000000 9458826000 10263208000 11000000000 12600000000 16249837000 15898711000 15711401000
18 Criteria Based Grants 372633000 344365000 300000000 320000000 240000000 330000000 375000000 475000000 559600000 559600000
19 Provincial Specific Development Grants 1345643000 1540998000 1150000000 1323000000 1144000000 1150000000 1350000000 2736300000 1682440000 2872997000
20 Project Funds 1066700000 2817160000 2019300000 2238000000 0 2393000000
21 Development Project (Foreign and Local Funded) 0 0 0 0 1452000000 2011170000 833660000 680000000 422800000
22 Grand Total 11527620000 14824758000 13602300000 15475826000 15588618000 17253000000 18941170000 22979797000 22260751000 23886798000
23 Provincial Disaggregation of Estimated Total Expenditure
24 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
25 Type Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital Recurrent Capital
26 Office of the Governor Uva 29255000 13100000 32712000 9750000 32692000 9500000 35562000 12200000 40483000 14830000 45543000 9030000 45884000 4830000 43485000 9111000 47411000 33537000 46709000 5000000
27 Provincial Council Secretariat 72731000 1550000 76242000 17700000 72112000 1900000 84650000 2800000 89226000 2630000 89787000 2630000 101128000 3630000 108285000 4511000 111473000 2937000 136782000 1200000
28 Provincial Public Service Commission 16467000 8000000 16515000 8750000 16949000 2100000 17774000 10100000 20943000 3197000 18096000 1100000 20623000 1854000 28517000 23089000 33416000 1468000 29346000 800000
29 Provincial Co-operative Employees Commission 4094000 700000 4939000 200000 4683000 100000 4442000 0 7292000 200000 9391000 0 5407000 280000 11837000 1180000 10308000 275000 9271000 300000
30 Chief Secretary office Uva Province 101221000 56800000 103684000 22500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Personnel & Training) 0 0 0 0 113285000 16500000 122022000 31900000 143473000 4200000 116355000 12000000 78214000 2620000 60183000 7100000 56009000 2800000 57430000 16200000
32 Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Administration) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42447000 6200000 56473000 40200000 60509000 28403000 62017000 40400000
33 Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Financial Management) 278175000 2500000 854103000 1200000 186175000 500000 361063000 500000 218171000 1200000 297460000 3100000 667927000 5020000 224427000 300000 225623000 775000 178474000 1500000
34 Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Planning) 19049000 98133000 16156000 92515000 18476000 90700000 19964000 91450000 20605000 88115000 22907000 91000000 26611000 126665000 83346000 106515000 84378000 182869000 83005000 275104000
35 Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Engineering) 88074000 21100000 97201000 33900000 99251000 67100000 100490000 34800000 109910000 15117000 125071000 42670000 143580000 14615000 215518000 17343000 219881000 10757000 210166000 7700000
36 Provincial Department of Revenue Commissioner 17005000 6750000 15335000 2900000 16252000 4200000 16466000 0 11128000 2662000 14867000 2670000 19840000 2862000 23788000 3638000 32278000 2578000 22238000 500000
37 Provincial Department of Internal Audit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18574000 400000 23692000 1800000 20527000 800000 20748000
38 Ministry of Chief Minister, Finance and Planning, Law and Peace, Education, Local Government, Power and Energy, Construction and Rural Infrastructure Development 75156000 81200000 97627000 78500000 99775000 50200000 117105000 83900000 145060000 47617000 161189000 61170000 185526000 78965000 284317000 99960000 251730000 143195000 249658000 142950
39 Provincial Department of Education 4590061000 3000000 5443520000 2500000 5316383000 1000000 6221706000 3000000 6724597000 10463000 7220828000 25190000 7801621000 13563000 10152437000 14671000 10005602000 10282000 10450122000 1000000
40 Provincial Department of Local Government 596074000 400000 562984000 200000 512218000 200000 588313000 3600000 659831000 5191000 506487000 4700000 868859000 5091000 1402583000 7448000 1564660000 6901000 1695410000 5167000
41 Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Tourism and Transport, Cultural Affairs and Textile and Small Industries 78320000 10200000 40409000 12700000 47466000 11300000 60698000 8300000 59629000 7370000 60637000 14400000 81108000 10900000 91808000 18781000 103565000 23010000 96583000 8500000
42 Provincial Department of Industrial Development 55259000 8400000 49235000 4100000 50872000 4200000 68561000 700000 76194000 1215000 74587000 8243000 91670000 4982000 117916000 7105000 124589000 4869000 96515000 1600000
43 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, Land, Inland Fisheries, Animal Husbandry in Uva Province 36833000 10100000 31077000 14900000 34980000 700000 41929000 4700000 42994000 2830000 47385000 4450000 55756000 5130000 84601000 9211000 69737000 7123000 71946000 3700000
44 Provincial Department of Agriculture 91126000 3000000 92995000 3000000 101882000 3000000 112406000 2400000 119885000 3744000 140996000 3744000 183243000 3744000 263172000 4516000 246804000 4392000 198672000 1500000
45 Provincial Department of Animal Husbandry and Health 87107000 3300000 75759000 5300000 86366000 3000000 98903000 2100000 111914000 8317000 118664000 6317000 205896000 8417000 224596000 9044000 242305000 9126000 227055000 3183000
46 Provincial Department of Land 24741000 700000 24740000 150000 27013000 5000000 29641000 2500000 35379000 2230000 37174000 3300000 42044000 7530000 63686000 4661000 66138000 3687000 62743000 200000
47 Provincial Department of Irrigation 0 0 0 0 9711000 0 9185000 0 15468000 0 19372000 0 20597000 500000 26975000 800000 26784000 800000 24415000 400000
48 Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine, Probation and Childcare, Women Affairs and Social Welfare 22612000 2000000 36018000 15200000 42097000 2700000 52696000 4400000 66227000 1715000 63086000 1820000 71275000 6850000 77019000 10650000 75069000 10845000 72514000 9718000
49 Provincial Department of Health 1939319000 11500000 1987094000 3500000 2280035000 500000 2576359000 700000 3217416000 3876000 3242708000 15456000 3488687000 14450000 4130201000 14450000 4353650000 13346000 4636574000 5960000
50 Provincial Department of Ayurveda 169692000 800000 170169000 600000 193293000 700000 210803000 500000 250135000 1215000 285169000 1300000 300761000 3804000 350876000 3463000 346700000 3364000 324791000 2500000
51 Provincial Department of Probation 38559000 1000000 30832000 300000 38819000 100000 51300000 300000 62491000 100000 63276000 100000 70276000 2800000 92121000 4580000 89137000 4576000 93037000 1618000
52 Provincial Department of Social Services 126414000 800000 159240000 450000 512001000 2100000 344169000 250000 238742000 1747000 232145000 1650000 253428000 16647000 294454000 7632000 392659000 5410000 400564000 200000
53 Ministry of Road Development, Housing, Water Supply, Estate Infrastructure and Co-operative 26450000 12800000 27431000 12650000 25828000 14700000 31368000 15700000 31090000 3630000 31375000 5930000 45199000 13030000 58104000 29811000 66286000 29537000 68104000 10000000
54 Provincial Department of Co-operative Development 45206000 2500000 62149000 700000 56493000 8000000 61573000 3200000 56463000 2530000 65133000 3470000 88381000 4262000 106417000 5238000 103379000 4378000 102952000 6900000
55 Provincial Road Development 108635000 12300000 114069000 200000 137893000 0 155678000 0 177872000 4059000 160312000 4560000 180448000 5359000 234023000 8212000 308104000 7560000 303560000 5800000
56 Total 8737635000 372633000 10222235000 344365000 10133000000 300000000 11594826000 320000000 12752618000 240000000 13270000000 330000000 15205010000 375000000 18934857000 475020000 19338711000 559600000 20031401000 416792950
57 Grand Total 9110268000 10566600000 10433000000 11914826000 12992618000 13600000000 15580010000 19409877000 19898311000 20448193950
59 Estimated receipts and expenditure for the Uva Provincial Council
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Breakdown of the estimated receipts and total expenditure in the Uva Province. Source: Provincial Council budgets